Wednesday 19 January 2022

How to start making money online. Learn 10 best methods from expert

Working in 9-5 jobs are definitely a more secure way to generate income. But, not sure if the income is sufficient or will remain constant. Today the world is a smaller place on the internet. Anybody with sufficient skills and good knowledge about a specific niche can make some extra money if they have a good internet connection and a few bucks in their bank account.

Let us talk about the 10 best ways to make money online in 2019. These are the assured ways to generate some passive or the main income that pays well.

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Tuesday 15 June 2021

Digital Marketing Trends in 2021

At one time, artificial intelligence, data-driven marketing and voice search engine optimization (VSEO) were ambitious concepts bordering on the ridiculous. Today, these innovative digital marketing trends are among the top priorities for most business owners in 2021.

Source : Digital Marketing Trends

Wednesday 7 April 2021

How quality leads are important for your business

Are bad leads still delivered to miss the mark when you perform time-invasive demand programs and campaigns that are quite expensive?

Accepting the marginal leads is all a reality as the demand marketers are under great pressure that can hit the KPIs and targets that are often within the tight time frames. A huge majority of the leads are also generated through the paid media programs including the content syndication and social media, and those that are generated through the third party

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Wednesday 28 October 2020

Don't worry about your learning. improve it using gamification



Gamification has a myriad of advantages for both adult learners as well as students of all ages.

Higher Engagement: With gamification, you can design courses that offer an interactive and immersive experience that is almost guaranteed to hold the attention of your learners. The better engagement ensures that learners are highly motivated to complete the course, thus lowering the dropout rate. Moreover, this learning strategy also leads to enhanced recall and retention of information.

Increased Productivity: When you have a reward system and a leaderboard displaying names of those ahead of the game, it creates healthy competition between learners and spurs them on to do their best. In fact, as per Talent LMS, 80% of learners feel that they would be more productive if their work or courses were more game-like.

Instant Feedback Loop: Learners understand their strengths and weaknesses instantly through gamified techniques. Say a student passes levels on Parts of Speech with ease, but fumbles when it comes to understanding Tenses, it is crystal clear that the student needs to put in more time studying the latter topic. At the workplace, this kind of feedback also facilitates communication between departments.

Real-World Applications: Gamification enables learners to apply their newfound knowledge in a completely risk-free, controlled environment. If your employees are learning to use software that processes crucial data, you can use a gamified approach to present them with a simulation of the software. This way, employees cement their knowledge of the software and get instant feedback through rewards and consequences, while your data remains safe until they have mastered the software.

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Thursday 24 September 2020

10 Important 2020 Social Media Trends You Need to Know

Want to succeed on social media in 2020?

Then you need to know what trends will matter most this year.

While the technology we have access to has never been greater, the competition has also never been higher

Plus, there is no shortage of platforms where you could be investing your time.

But in the end, it all comes back to your audience.

Are you getting in front of them where they’re spending their time?

Are you giving them what they want or need, at the right time?

What matters to them?

These are the questions we all need answers to – and these answers seemingly change every year.

So I asked some really smart people for their thoughts on social media marketing in 2020.

Here are 10 social media trends that will matter most to marketers, brands, and businesses in 2020, according to 34 experts.

Want all the social media trends now? Download our ebook: The Biggest Social Media Trends of 2020, According to 34 Experts

Source : digitalliion

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Wednesday 15 July 2020

Top 5 Important SEO Trends in 2020

Although user safety hasn’t got a direct connection with SEO, it is a vital factor for the website user experience. It is but obvious that if a visitor does not feel secure post visiting a particular webpage, it is very likely that they would leave it instantly. On the other side, if they come across a “Not Secure” warning flashing, they might not go ahead and visit your page. This would lead to higher bounce rates which in turn could affect the ranking of that particular page in the organic search listing.

After all, Google strives to offer its users with a browsing experience that is safe and secure. Therefore, those who deploy HTTPS could experience a minor SEO boost. As per Google, HTTPS “helps prevent intruders from tampering with the communications between your websites and your users’ browsers.” So, it is vital that the HTTPS protocol is enabled for your site.

It also becomes very important to assure the users of your website that their data will be protected till the time they are on it.

In short, with each passing day, there happen to be new security measures that can be deployed. 

Career aspirants should look for those Digital Marketing courses in Mumbai or other cities, whose curriculum goes in sync with the latest trends.

Source :

Friday 15 April 2016

Position of 'office boy' at Microsoft.

A jobless man applied for the position of 'office boy' at Microsoft.

The HR manager interviewed him, then gave him a test: clean the floor. The man passed the test with flying colors.
"You are hired," HR manager informed the applicant, "give me your e-mail address, and I'll send you the application for employment, as well as the date you should report for work.