Monday 29 February 2016

Unless you fail ....

The scientists say the hardest thing you ever learned in your life has been walking. It took 1 to 1.5 years to learn. And in the process you failed thousands of times but you or no one called it a failure. Because unless you fail how would you succeed at walking at all? This is applicable to our entire life. You will fail several times before you succeed at something. But unfortunately your failures now will be looked upon as failures as if there is no tomorrow. You need to understand that failure is part of the process of success. It should be welcomed as it teaches you how to proceed further with your success journey. Why do you freak out at the first thought of failure? This is ridiculous. Come on, think rationally.

Friday 26 February 2016

Think Aboute IT again...

How many people are spending 20 most productive years of their life from the age of 25 to 45 in paying EMI for a house (or may be more than one house)? At the end of 20 yours all you get is one house and a khatara car? Is it worth in exchange of 20 years of your life? Is this what your life worth? I am not saying money is everything and in fact it's role is only 20%. What about the other 80%?